Heirloom Haul

As a former freelance journalist, most of my 20s were spent in coffee shops and neighborhood cafes. At one spot in particular, they joked my mail was in the back each time I grabbed my iced latte from the counter. Yes, I was there that often.

Although these spaces served as my office away from home, over time, I realized they were also the untraditional boardroom for some of my best ideas, friendships and memories. My first business was born and cultivated at a coffee shop table.

When I started that company in 2009, the goal was save up to open my own café one day to support creatives looking for connection and great coffee too. I wanted to design a place with décor and vibes as addictive as the scratch-made lattes and sandwiches.

In 2019, I followed my heart and opened Heirloom Haul to do just that. I didn’t want a complicated menu or chef-focused concept. Actually, I wanted to do the exact opposite.

No matter which location you visit today, you can ensure the spaces will be beautiful, your favorite chicken salad will always be on the menu and there will be a cute chair ready for a catchup with your bestie or to powerup and work on emails or your dream business venture.

I hope Heirloom Haul gives all the good vibes when you walk in and is a place you want to visit over and over again whether it’s for the delicious bites or comfy work spot. And yes, we’ll be happy to hold your mail in the back.
